Fees & Calculations

Fee and calculations are formulated as per below.

Opening trade fee calculation:

((Entrance fee .05% * target amount) * current target price) / current collateral

Interest fee calculation:

Interest fee percentage is fixed at 10% APY. Interest is calculated to be the APY divided by the amount borrowed and is paid out after every block (approximately 6 seconds)

Transaction fee:

Rowan is required to pay for transaction fees. This includes any actions taking by the trader or match (Including: Opening a position, Close a trade, Request closure, Deposit / Withdrawl). To purchase Rowan, please click on the following link.

Note: You will be able to receive Rowan via a faucet button (coming soon)

Trader Profit and Loss calculation:

((current token amount * current token price) / current collateral) - ((target token amount * target token price) / collateral token price at time of opening trade) - (any interest paid + pending interest)

Matching Lending calculation:

The formula for borrowed tokens against the collateral is as follows:

(300% * collateral amount) + collateral amount


  • Trader has a collateral of 100 USDC with a leverage of x5.

  • The trader wishes to borrow 400 USDC for this trade

  • The matcher will be able to loan 300 USDC against the total 500 USDC order.

  • The trader will be able to take a maximum profit or loss of 300% of the original position

Leverage position calculation:

Leverage for a position is displayed as (position size) / (position collateral).

Last updated