Match History

View your closed matched trades by selecting ‘Match History’ in the top navigation


  • Status – The status of the trade

  • Date Opened – Date and time the order is placed (Local Time)

  • Date Closed – Date and time the order is closed (Local Time)

  • Token – The token used to trade with collateral

  • Position – The position taken along with the token the trade is set to

  • Side – The side of the trade – Long (Buy) or short (Sell)

  • Leverage – The leverage applied to the trade

  • Stop Loss – The price in which the trade will be closed if it comes to this price point (protected loss)

  • Take Profit – The price in which the trade will be closed if it comes to this price point for profit

  • Limit Price - The price in which the trade will be opened

  • Interest - % of Interest allocated to the order

  • Interest Revenue – Interest accrued from the order

  • Realized P&L – Realized Profit and Loss against the position