Trader: How to trade

This section explains the process of a trader borrowing against the collateral of the trader's position and activativing a trade order.

What is a GTK Trader?

A trader trades it's collatoral against an asset with the GTK Decentralized platform. The original collatoralized amount can be levereged up to x100 thereby increasing the value of the position and the subsequent gains (or losses!). This is achieved by matching the trade with a Matcher. Currently the maximum amount of profit or loss in any given trade is 100% of the original position. The trader pays for the loan by interest accrued on the trade. Should the trade complete in profit, the trader pays off the interest by the gains. Should the trade complete in loss, the trader can pay off the interest by the original collateral.

The GTK trading platform:

  • Allows traders to long or short any asset with a reliable oracle

  • Allows traders to use any available on-chain asset as collateral

  • Allows traders access to a large lending market for robust leverage opportunities Allow traders to control when their positions open or close

  • Allows for limit orders, stop losses, take profits, and manual overrides

Gas Fee: For each action the user needs enough rowan for gas which is quite low AND the minimum collateral token amount ex: 0.000001 USDC

Last updated