Pool Stats
Information on Pools and arbitrage opportunities
Last updated
Information on Pools and arbitrage opportunities
Last updated
The Pool Stats page displays information about the various pools on the DEX.
It can also be used to quickly find arbitrage opportunities. To keep markets healthy, it is in the best interests of SifDEX for users to bring prices in line with the global average. It also presents an opportunity to users.
When a Pool is showing a Green number, it means that the price on SifDEX is currently lower than the price on CoinMarketCap (which tracks global prices across all exchanges). Buying this token will balance the pool, while allowing the user to purchase more of the token than they could get on other exchanges at that moment.
When a Red number is showing, it means that the price on SifDEX is higher. Selling that token into the pool will allow users to receive more value than they could get on other exchanges at that moment.